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TylerBack pain for 6 years
It really changed my life. My whole outlook and approach to my pain has changed and after 3 weeks it has started to vanish. A fantastic app, I am already spreading the word, I think this can make a difference for a lot of people.
TylerBack pain for 6 years
It really changed my life. My whole outlook and approach to my pain has changed and after 3 weeks it has started to vanish. A fantastic app, I am already spreading the word, I think this can make a difference for a lot of people.
TylerBack pain for 6 years
It really changed my life. My whole outlook and approach to my pain has changed and after 3 weeks it has started to vanish. A fantastic app, I am already spreading the word, I think this can make a difference for a lot of people.

If you've been dealing with pain for more than 3 months, Pathways is for you

Break the Pain Cycle

In chronic pain, your brain and nervous system can get stuck in a state of increased sensitivity. So when treating chronic pain, it’s critical that we retrain and brain and nervous system to quieten down, to break the pain cycle.

Helped 100s of pain conditions

Pathways has helped pain sufferers with 100s of different conditions. Ranging from back, neck, and knee pain. To migraines, fibromyalgia, RSI, and beyond. Pain is a universal human experience, and we can influence that experience.

Natural pain relief

Our natural, mind body techniques aim to unlock your body’s own natural pain medicine cabinet. Many of our patients find some pain relief within just a few weeks once they change their relationship with pain. That’s the power of your amazing mind and body!

Powerful pain management

The self-help nature of our program empowers you to take control of your health. Some of our patients find more benefit from our physical exercises, and some benefit more form our cognitive brain training exercises. Our flexible program allows you to build your own pathway back to health.

Inspiration & Knowledge

“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.”n

Martin Luther King, Jr

Inspiration & Knowledge

“What you resist persists”n

Carl Jung

Inspiration & Knowledge

muscle pain after gym, a deep massage, and so on. Your perception of pain is everything

Pain you probably enjoy

Inspiration & Knowledge

Evolution has put a high priority on danger signals and the perception of threat. As a result, pain hijacks the whole body and mind. The problem of pain is that we have to work to fix the hijack situation

Inspiration & Knowledge

“We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.”

Kenji Miyazawa

Inspiration & Knowledge

Don’t forget you’re human. It’s okay to have a meltdown, just don’t unpack and live there. Cry it out and then refocus on where you are headed.

Inspiration & Knowledge

“Instead of breathing with the diaphragm, people tend to breathe with upper body musculature that is inadequate to the task, with a cascade of musculoskeletal consequences and vulnerabilities.”

Paul Ingraham

Inspiration & Knowledge

The way we remember pain depends on the emotional context of the painful event. A study on marathon runners found that they underestimate self-reported pain levels at the finish line if they were feeling good about the race

Inspiration & Knowledge

“Drugging out symptoms does not solve the problem, it helps us ignore it – until the vehicle breaks down.”

Dr Bruce Lipton

Inspiration & Knowledge

In Canada, 12% of whiplash patients had chronic pain at 6 months. In Germany, Greece and Lithuania it’s 0%. Chronic symptoms largely depend on the cultural expectations

Guided Breathing

Deep relaxation

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SOS experiences

Visual experiences to help you find instant calm

Deep relaxation
Equal Breathing
Box breathing
Combat Tactical Breathing